Robots that can distinguish between people and materials have a huge benefit in Health & Safety compliance for companies where this kind of accident can cause work stoppages, serious and even fatal injuries. Automation Robotics’ new Safety Muting System is a rapidly installable complete system for differentiating between persons and material insertion at dangerous machines. Category 2 or 4 safety devices and optoelectronic muting sensors, in conjunction with special evaluation electronics, form the basis of all muting applications.
Instead of numerous individual components from different suppliers, users acquire a partially or completely pre-mounted system designed to meet their needs. The devices are mounted on stable and adjustable carrier profile and completely wired up. Assembly, adjustment and commissioning can thus be carried out with time- and cost-savings. Suitable mountings and optional protective equipment round out the versatility of this all-in-one solution for muting access safeguarding.
Muting allows automatic material insertion in safeguarded areas. In order to achieve muting, in front of the access area to a hazardous point-of-operation or before a hazardous area, the muting sensors are arranged in such a way that only a very particular combination of signals that could be triggered by incoming material, switches to muting of the safety photoelectric switches. An immediate machine stop is triggered if this sequence combination does not occur, e.g. if a person has entered the access area.