Series III Platform Plus AGV
The Series III Platform Plus AGV is an automated tugger that can be used for part delivery or can be equipped with a trailer hitch for use as a low cost tugger. The Platform Plus is capable of carrying loads up to 270 lbs. with a towing capacity of 530 lbs. These mobile robots can replace can replace manual pickup/delivery systems and conveyors with a flexible automated system linking the various production areas in a warehouse or factory environment.
Series III Conveyor AGV
Designed for efficient load transfers to conveyors. The Series III Conveyor AGV is equipped with a powered roller deck capable of handling loads up to 2,130 lbs. These automated guided vehicles can replace can replace manual pickup/delivery systems and conveyors with a flexible automated system linking the various production areas in a warehouse or factory environment.
Series III Tugger AGV
The Series III Tugger AGV is an automated tugger that can be used for part delivery or can be equipped with a trailer hitch for use as a low cost tugger. The tugger is capable of towing loads up to 57,000 lbs. These automated guided vehicles can replace can replace manual pickup/delivery systems and conveyors with a flexible automated system linking the various production areas in a warehouse or factory environment.
Series III Silent Motion
The Series III Silent Motion AGV is an automated tugger designed for a moving assembly line. This AGV is capable of moving so slowly that it is not easily perceived moving with the naked eye. Minimum velocity is 1 inch /minute with velocity accuracy within one percent. This low speed allows for intricate assembly processes to be efficiently performed on the moving assembly line.
Series III Flexcart AGV
The Series III Flexcart AGV is an automated tugger utilised for part delivery or, equipped with a trailer hitch as a low cost tugger. The Flexcart is capable of lifting loads up to 700 lbs. and boasts a towing capacity of 1,400 lbs. These automatic guided vehicles can replace manual pickup/delivery systems and conveyors. It also provides a flexible automated solution to connect the production areas in a warehouse or factory.
Series III Tote AGV
An automated dual tote shuttle, the Series III Tote AGV can be used for part delivery of plastic totes. The Tote can handle two plastic totes weighing up to 60 lbs. each. The Tote AGV is perfect for small part deliveries and can replace manual pickup/delivery systems and conveyors with a flexible automated system linking the various production areas in a warehouse or factory environment.
Series III Lite Balance AGV
The Series III Lite Balance AGV is an automated counterbalance pallet truck. The Lite Balance is capable of lifting loads up to 1,200 lbs with its standard lift assembly. These AGVs are ideal for use as an economical fork lift with in low lift height environments.
Series III Mini Tug AGV
The Series III Mini Tug AGV is an automated tugger that can be used for part delivery or as a low cost tugger when equipped with a trailer hitch. The Mini is capable of carrying loads up to 350 lbs. with a towing capacity of 520 lbs. These mobile robots can replace can replace manual pickup/delivery systems and conveyors with a flexible automated system linking the various production areas in a warehouse or factory environment.